Thursday, November 30, 2006

Old Pics; Or, a Scattered Trip Down Memory Lane

I was looking for an old paper I wrote this morning so I was sifting through "the archives" and I stumbled upon some old pictures I thought I'd share. I didn't find the paper I had written (sad, yes) but it was fun to look at some old pics.

This is from many, many years ago. Early 90s. From left to right: Me, my cousins Jennifer, Tagan, Karen, Mallory and Meghan. Now, I want to point out how I am segregated from the rest and I am surrounded by garbage. A metaphor? Meghan and Mallory are currently out in L.A. pursuing a career in movies and such -- if they make it big I'll dig up all the pics I can find. :)

Me in November 1991 at the Fall festival thing in school. I was just named the Prince. I have pictures of me crying before coming to this event. And pictures of me and the Princess... I look so completely bored with it all.

Me "petting" a whale. Up close I look completely stoned or severely saddened. The reason for showing the picture at all? I was super thin!! I STILL HAD A NECK!!

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