Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's for Me for the First Time

For the past three nights Annie and I have taken a walk. It's a 1 mile trip around the hospital. I've been doing 50 sit-ups each night as well. I'm doing pretty good right now on this attempt to get into shape. I just want to lose about 20 pounds and I'd be happy. I'm doing it for me and no one else. I admit my past attempts to get into shape was in hopes of getting a girlfriend. I figured if I looked better I'd have a better chance. But since pretty much giving up on the search for a girlfriend I realize I want to improve myself for me. I'm not happy the way I am right now so I have to take control of it. My dentist appointment is December 11th and I'm looking forward to talking to him about getting the visible teeth capped.

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