Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sitting the Next Dance Out

So, I've been thinking about what I'm looking for in a girlfriend. I think the main thing is maturity. Someone who has seen things in life and has been educated through life. There needs to be some knowledge of life in them. An intellectual conversation is very important. An open mind. So many people are so naive to think they know all the answers. I can't be around closed minds very long. It just goes in circles. The person has to be real. They can't put themselves out there as something they're not... The mask does come off and the truth shines through. The fact is, the majority of girls I meet are immature in life experience, closed minded, and putting themselves out there as what they want to be and not what they are. I think for the time being I'm hanging up my hat on relationships. The past few years I have gotten a taste of what is out there... I'm now more than happy to sit back with my pen and paper and wait for someone worth it.

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