Monday, September 25, 2006

Revelations & Realizations

Okay, so last night I was a bit down, but in the light of a new day, I'm pretty much over it. I made a very important revelation: I am surrounded by the most wonderful people. I have great people who care. People who I enjoy talking with... chatting with... e-mailing... whatever. :) And another revelation is that people aren't always what they seem. People put on "masks" and you can't easily tell who they are. They can appear like people you'd want in your life, but then other sides emerge and it becomes clear they aren't the person they presented themselves to be. Then the realization comes that you're lucky to have the people you have. Special shout outs to Echo, Pam, and Miranda. Other amazing people in my life right now include certain family members, other friends and acquaintances. So, after some time feeling down, I realize everything happens for a reason and I am better off. Ah... growth.

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