Thursday, August 24, 2006

Work, Work, Work, Work... Work.

My working life right now is terrible. I am now entering what I like to call "Hell Week." My boss is off in California and not easily reached. This is not good since there is a new girl working at the Ramada. She started last week. So, my boss asked me (told me) to call and check on her every 2-3 hours. And, I gave her my cell phone number so I can be reached if she has any problems or questions. Which means I have to get up at 7 a.m. each of the next six days since I can, and do, sleep through ringing phones. Oh, the responsibility of it all...

My friend Pam and I have started plotting the idea for our book(s). It's been a dream of hers to write a book for children. She feels that it's now or never, so we started tossing around ideas. Then, we decided to pull our memories of crazy/stupid things we did in our childhood for an idea for the book. Soon, the idea pops into my head that we could gather stories of stupidity from the people around us. And other random people. Then compile those stories into a book of its own. Two birds with one stone.

I'm also writing a short story about a man recalling his childhood growing up in the circus. I've written 9 pages (3524 words) so far. I'm proud of the fact I've actually written a decent amount so far. Usually, I get an idea, write on it a little, then file it away under "Things I'll Get Done Someday." I'm made a sincere effort of this. Even this far into the short story, I'm still not sure where I'm going with it.

School starts on the 28th. I'm taking Introduction to Early Childhood Education (I don't know why, it's just another thing to mark of my list as career options) and a class on nutrition. I'm just wasting my time. I wish Roane State had a Journalism class or something. *sigh* Someday...

Well, it's back to my busy life. Is it fun yet?

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