Thursday, August 03, 2006

Life in Overtime.

I ended up working 43 hours last week. Overtime. I've posted a note on the bulletin board that I'd like less hours due to a "personal/medical situation." This "situation" is stress/anxiety. The job is very stressful and lately with all the hours, I'm just running out of steam. The things I am required to do at this job are wearing me down and hurting my spirit. I can't really mention the things here for various reasons. This week I'll work 40 again because of the 127 Yard Sale and then I should be getting less hours starting next week.

As for this 127 Yard Sale... It's this huge yard sale all along Highway 127. People come from all over to set up stands/tents to sell their stuff. It's the "world's longest yard sale." They say it stretches out 400 miles through several different states. What I know for a fact is that it is a hassle. Since the Ramada Inn is located on Highway 127... Well, the situation is obvious. I had to work today and it wasn't so bad, but as the yard sale picks up more steam, we're going to get bogged down... It should be getting worse tomorrow and then steadily on... I work every day till Sunday and I'm not sure when I'll get off next week yet.

I'm currently reading The Pelican Brief by John Grisham... Not my usual read and I doubt I'll finish it. I'm having a hard time reading anything right now. With all the work stress it's been hard to focus. Any time I get to myself I want to waste by doing nothing.

My wonderful friend Pam, the 50+ hippie chick, and I have been talking about writing a children's book together. She says it's always been a dream of hers. She feels that now is the time to go about it. She told me some ideas she had for the story and I've been tossing around some of my own. I like the idea of writing with someone else. I have always wanted to do this with a poem (but it's hard to find anyone to write a poem with you since a poem is such a personal thing). I hope we actually get around to doing this, but we're both so busy. Sometimes you have to put dreams on hold to continue the "bland life."

I've been shopping on It's a neat site. They have some great deals. Some things aren't good deals, but I've found stuff cheaper on this site than on eBay. And the shipping is very low. I highly recommend it.

I've also been spending time on (My MySpace: click here.) I'm not sure I like it. It's just not my thing. I've met some people through there, connected with various people. I guess if I use it as a "networking" tool it could be useful. As for my blogging, I want to keep it here. I like Blogger much better in that regard. Old habits are hard to break. I've been writing on here for almost a year now... I look back at the older posts and I see how much I have grown...

And, so, I'll end this long post with a couple of amazing quotes:

"In each of us are places where we have never gone. Only by pressing the limits do you ever find them." - Dr. Joyce Brothers

"You will find that as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love." - Henry Drummond

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." - Arthur C. Clarke

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