Tuesday, June 13, 2006

New E-mail Address and Update

I haven't posted in a couple of days because my internet service provider has been down. So, I went and signed up for a new service with a different company. For the same price, I can get Hi-Speed Internet. So, my new e-mail address is:


And, for a brief update, all is going well. I worked 40 hours last week in my part-time job (I know). Many people are quitting or getting fired, I'm not sure which. It gives me more hours, which is a good thing and a bad thing. The money is good, but I do have things I need to do. I am getting farther and farther behind on my errands.

I've decided to start writing a children's book. The idea of the book is a bit controversial, so I don't really want to mention it here yet. It's in the very early stages, but I intend to put a lot of effort into this.

I'm planning a trip up to Indiana to gamble. There is a large riverboat casino in Elizabeth, Indiana and I'm working on getting a "travel buddy" and we're going to head up there and spend some time gambling away our money. It'll be nice to take a little vacation. There are many little strings to tie up, like my job, the days that are good for me and my gamblin' buddy, and Annie. I will be taking Annie with me, so I have to figure out how to do that.

I'm a lot happier than I was in the last post. Life is great and I am honored to be at this point in my life. I have everything I want, all the people I need, the past has given me many lessons, and I am proud to be able to stand up and say I'm a survivor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yo matthew! *grins*