Monday, June 26, 2006

The Letter to the Editor

(This is the letter I considered sending to the local paper as a letter to the editor. I'm not going to send it in since they don't publish anonymous letters and it would have to be anonymous due to the strong emotions the issue brings up. Also, the letter makes strong statements and some more subtle statements that would probably keep it from being published in an area like this. So, it will just get to be published here.)

Recently I was witness to a large group of people sharing their hatred for homosexuality in the name of religion. This group bad-mouthed politicians for voting for humans to have the rights this country promises them. They quoted verse they had stretched and manipulated into supporting their point. All the while, they claimed it was in the name of the Lord. How does hate or holding people down please the Lord?

This group said politicians who voted not to ban homosexual marriage should not be in office. I believe these politicians are exactly the people who need to be in office. There is a separation of church and state that needs to be remembered and obeyed. The major point of the opposition to homosexual marriage is based on the Bible and this cannot be used as an argument in politics. When you take the religious ideologies out of the debate all you have against homosexual marriage is prejudice and hate.

America proudly boasts we are a country of equality, justice and non-discrimination. Yet, we are holding back another group of people from having the same rights so many others have. We are just repeating the same mistakes we’ve made in the past with African Americans and other groups.

I would like to end this by saying I am not a homosexual, but I wholeheartedly support their struggle. I believe they deserve every right everyone else has. I believe they are not “abominations” to the Lord, and I pity the people who think they are.


Anonymous said...

That looks like something Killgore Trout would say (in Timequake and other books by Vonnnugut)!

Good points, well written, and it needs to be said.

Go for it!

Anonymous said...

It's really brave of you to get your opinion out there like that, I admire that.