Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Truth... and Nothing But the Truth?

Everything here is rolling right along. Nothing much of note to mention.

I figured I'd take this time to pose a question I've asked before: How important is honesty? Better yet, how much honesty is too much? Where is the line between honesty and cruelty?

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I consider myself a pretty honest person. Over the past couple of years I have made a sincere effort to be an "open book" to those around me. I do have my share of secrets, but we all have our secrets. That's just what they are and should stay: our secrets. However, I've been realizing lately I'm not as honest with people as I should be. When someone makes me angry, sad, or uncomfortable, I rarely mention it. I just let it slide and swallow the anger or sadness. It's hard to just come out and tell a person how you feel about them (be it good or bad). But, also, telling someone the truth can end up hurting them or their relationship with you. And if you choose not to tell someone how you feel or what you're thinking, does that count as a lie? Does being selective about what you mention, or leave out, count as being deceptive?

This is all stuff I have mentioned before, but it remains on my mind. I realize there are no clear answers to any of these questions and I suppose that the level of honesty used should depend upon the person and the situation. Personally, I don't do well when I hold so much of my feelings in for too long.

I wonder, though, is honesty always the best policy?

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