Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Homesick, etc...

Well, I am homesick again. It was brought on by the PBS documentary Country Boys which filmed two boys from my hometown from 1999-2002. The school they go to is the one I went to (and graduated from) from 2001 to 2002. I actually saw myself in the background on tonight's episode. Anyway, tomorrow will be the last part and features the graduation of the film's focus, which was also my graduation. I'm hoping they scan the audience because my family was out there (I'm thinking especially of my father who was there). Anyway, seeing the places I know so well is very weird. It's extremely disorienting because my "Kentucky time" has faded drastically in my mind. It's almost as if it was another life or a dream. Some of it has blended in with where I am now... Some Tennessee people have filled in parts for the Kentucky people I knew. It's really strange.

So, enough of that. I finished reading Phil Rickman's The Wine of Angels, which took awhile to finish because of its length and my lack of focus. It's actually the beginning of a series that focuses on the Reverend Merrily Watkins, who is a "Diocesan Exorcist." I probably won't be reading the next books in the series right away. It's not because it wasn't a good book, because it was, but I'm just not interested in getting into a series right now. Ironically, the next book I pick up is also the beginning of a smaller series by Patricia Cornwell, Hornet's Nest (where she writes her first novel without the lead of Kay Scarpetta).

Alright Becca, I got your "tag" so that means it's my turn to answer those questions, huh?

"State on your blog...7 things that decribe yourself... plus answer the questions… Then tag ( ask ) 7 people to blog a list to do the same thing as well on their blog. Those people have to keep it going and invite 7 people on their list... so on.. so on.. so on..."
7 words that decribe me.
1. Eclectic
2. Poetic
3. Erratic
4. Complicated
5. Honest
6. Loving
7. Thoughtful
My favorite color is: blue, or teal.
My favorite number is: 7
My biggest fear: Have to go with you on this one, Bec. Being alone.
My hero: Dustin Hoffman, Maggie Smith, Ellen DeGeneres, Lucille Ball, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Kathy Bates, Melissa Etheridge, Reba McEntire, Bette Davis, Emmylou Harris, Stephen King, several local actors I know, and my mom and dad. All of these people are people I love, respect and admire for different reasons.
My dream car: Red Jeep Grand Cherokee. Always loved the way those look.
My favorite snack: Doritos and Mello Yello.

I know I'm supposed to pass this on to 7 people, but I don't have 7 people I know on here, so it's going to die with me on this end.

Okay, so, that's it for me now. Peace out, peeps.


Anonymous said...

I would love to hear more about your experience with the Country Boys doc.

What were Chris and Cody like?
Were the camera crews distracting to the school? How was the project described to the students?
How accurate is the film for you?

Such an interesting film, would love to find out any information you have.

Matthew D. Ward said...

Didn't know Chris or Cody that well, although I did have several classes with Cody (who was just as cool and funny as he is in the documentary). The camera crews were not very distracting. I know that usually when we got off the bus they'd be at the door and film us as we came in, but they mostly stayed out of the way. They weren't always around. I remember when I started at the school I had to meet with Mitzi and Danny and I believe I had to sign a release. I'm not one who could comment on the accuracy, although there was some creative editing, as with any project. It's good to get to see the teachers and people I knew. Ricky, the "fag" as Cody says, was actually one of my best friends for a while.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it just odd to see Prestonsburg on tv? I watched it also. I wasn't surprised to see Ricky on there, I actually expected him to be on there more than what he was because he has been such good friends with Cody since Cody started at Auxier.

Now, right in the middle of P-burg they FINALLY have a turn lane. So instead of two lanes each way, its only one lane each way with a turn lane in the middle. They added on to the road by foodland and across from foodland is a new Foodcity, a huge one. Matt, they're trying to make this place into a huge city that it's not. There's like kind of an intersection by hardees and its so difficult to get out of sometimes because of all the traffic. They need a red light there! But you know how the redlights are in P-burg, too many already!

Ricky couldn't believe that I had watched it when I spoke with him today and he probably wouldn't expect you to have seen it either! I am going to go to bed now though but I'll talk to you soon! You need to make a trip up this way sometime in the future!