Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Blur the Pain

This is by no means my best writing, but it's simple, raw expression. I wrote it super fast and it really is a solid piece of therapy for me. It's mostly meant as song lyrics (the tune is bouncing around in my ever-jumbled mind). And... deep breath... Ahhhh...

Blur the Pain
(By Matthew David Ward)

You got into your car and you drove away
I started walking in the opposite direction
Just hoping to blur the pain

I walked until my feet were numb
And then I started to run
Just needed to get away from this
And everything we had become

Smoke and mirrors played games with my eyes
Tricked me into believing your self preserving lies
But in the end it's all down to 20/20
And we believe what we need to believe

The rain began to fall and I kept on running
And the water all but masked my tears
Too many thoughts and my heart kept on drumming
Far too much noise and nothing was very clear

Then suddenly the truth hits me hard
Like a blow directly to my weary heart
You're gone and I'm going to be fine
Amazing to learn that in spite of you I can survive

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