Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bad Boys. Whatcha Gonna Do...?

The above picture is my book store, The Book Cellar. Obviously, something bad happened. Well, apparently, late last night two prison escapees from Louisiana made their way up here after stopping in Mississippi to rob an elderly woman and her daughter and leaving them tied up in their bathroom. They made it up here to Crossville and an officer tried to pull them over for speeding and soon the chase was on. They made it to the shopping mall that has several stores in it, ran their car into a grass embankment and one man was run down by a police car. The other man shot his way into the Book Cellar. Police shot tear gas into the store and found the man had crawled through a crawlspace into the Japanese restaurant next door. They then shoot tear gas into the Japanese place. The convict then runs out the back door and is shot in the leg. (Damn.)

Okay, so why is this important to me (other than the fact it happened about 3 miles away from me)? The Book Cellar is my place. When I first moved down here in 2003, I went to the Book Cellar every single day. It made me feel comfortable and relaxed. It was like some sort of therapy. I still go there often and have way too much credit. I also need to go there and get a copy of Hamlet for my theatre class, but I guess I'll have to wait till they open.

Well, on to other, less exciting news. I talked Marge into going to the singles dance with me on the 11th. Well, I really didn't need to talk her into it, she agreed right away. She wouldn't normally go to things like that alone, she said, and neither would I... so, it may not be a bad evening after all (at least I'll know someone).

So, I went to church Sunday (yeah, I know...), and the preacher was a "guest preacher." Technically, he's a man learning to be a preacher. He was from Mexico and told us his story of how he came up here to follow the Lord. I did get something from his sermon, though. I realized we all need to follow our dreams and what we are meant to do in life, even if it's not the easy road. He left a good job and did what he felt was his calling. And, it gave me more strength in following my heart into theatre. It's where I feel I belong. I spend day after day entertaining people on a one on one basis, so why not get paid for it? Also, I've never felt more comfortable than when I worked at the Playhouse or did the play I was in. I've also been going to all the Youth Meetings at the church on Fridays and have gotten to meet a lot of people, and even made some friends. The age range for the youth group is 14+. There are lots of people over 18 there, even an adult from time to time.

After doing so well the past few weeks about stuff, I treated myself and bought the Reba: Season 2 DVD and the NewsRadio: Seasons 1-2 DVD. It'll give me something to do when I'm not busy.

And so it goes...

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