Thursday, December 08, 2005


I took the final for my math class tonight. I think I did pretty well. I've passed the class, that's for sure. My final for my personal finance class rolls around on Monday and then I am done. Done, finished, completed for the semester. Woohoo. Bring on the Spring 2006 semester! Didn't really do much else today, though. Tomorrow, I'll probably spend most of my day cleaning and then I head off to volunteer at the theater. The year is winding down for me.

Been thinking more and more about my goals lately. I'm very close to making a final decision of pursuing a career in the theater. The only thing holding me back are those nagging doubts. Once I make this decision, it will affect everything in my world. (1) Money. If I decide on a career in the theater, I'm most likely not going to be making a lot of money, so I should spend less of what I have now. (2) Relationships. I've spent enough time with professional actors around here to know that the majority of relationships don't work out. It's a lot harder on both people involved. (3) The most important one: it's the road less traveled. I'd be going off the beaten path down a road that is scary and unpredictable. It's not the average career option for this area (which focuses mostly on business, teaching and nursing).

I know this is what I'm meant for; I can feel it in my bones. I've never been happier or have fit in more than when I am working at a theater in some capacity. This is where I belong. My goal is not to become famous (as I know that'd lead me down a very destructive path, besides being highly unlikely). I just want to stay in small and medium theater. I have no dreams of grandeur.

I remember when I was in elementary school, a group of us were writing a movie script. We had parts for ourselves in there. We wanted to be stars. Then, we wanted to be in a band. Normal kid things. Now, they've all marched down other paths and if I decide on a life in theater, I'll be the only one following that dream. Which almost makes me want to do it even more for those kids that had the dream. (Sappy thought, I know.)

It's scary making a decision that takes you down a different route than most people. I'll face a lot of opposition along the way, I know. Hey, I've already faced that opposition. A few people have tried to talk me down from a life in theater, but I now know that it is their own insecurity that they were sharing.

So, I guess it sounds like I have already decided what I'm going to do with my life. Scary. Well, at least it will be interesting if nothing else! Here we go...


Anonymous said...

Matthew, I think that if you want to pursue a life in the theater, then you should. Following your dream is an awesome thing, and I admire people that do so. Don't let those doubts push you from doing what you know you want to do. Follow your heart, and it will lead you to the right place.

Matthew D. Ward said...

Thank you. It means a lot to hear that. :)