Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A Little Note on December 6th

How is everyone today? Since I can't hear you respond, I'll just assume everyone is well. I haven't been posting as much lately since there really isn't much to say. Everything is really calm right now. Nothing overly good or overly bad happening. I'm in good times, right now.

In other good news, Elton John is going to marry his long time partner David Furnish on December 21st (the first day same-sex couples can register and take advantage of a law giving them legal status). Congratulations to Mr. John and Mr. Furnish. Also, congrats to England for making this huge step in equal rights.

Today should be a somewhat smooth day. Tomorrow will be a bit tougher as I travel to see my aunt in Athens and go to my next-to-last personal finance class. Friday, I'm back at the theater volunteering. Sunday, I'm going to church with my other aunt. Like I said, not really a lot going on at the moment (good thing).

I'll end this post with a quote from Cher. I think everyone can relate to this: "In this business you have to be tough, and if someone pushes me really far I can certainly be impossible. I've always said, 'if you're nice they walk over you and if you stand up for yourself they call you a bitch.'"

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