Sunday, December 04, 2005

Still Volunteering and Finals are Nearing

I spent today volunteering my time at the theater. Got to mess around and tease some old friends, which was great. A lot of great people there that I miss since I quit, but life goes on. I'll be heading back there to volunteer again Friday. I've been spending a lot of time volunteering, but it's worth it. Also on Friday, a friend from the theater and I are heading out to go to a bar. That's right, a bar. No, I won't be drinking (I have a very addictive personality, so I should probably keep away). Also, alcohol doesn't appeal to me... I just don't see the point. Should be fun, though.

Finals are soon! Yay! Classes are almost over and I couldn't be happier. Next semester I'll be taking classes that I think I'll actually enjoy.

I've decided to wait until January to put my full effort into getting a job. There have been several opportunities (a lot of people have found me some great jobs), but I've been holding off and waiting for my Spring college schedule. It's just easier that way. I want to relax the end of 2005 away. Been a hell of a year, I'll tell you that!

The news is just so damn depressing now, or maybe it's just the holidays. The United States just executed the 1,000th person since 1970-something. It's disgusting. I despise the death penalty.

Well, that's all for now. Peace out.

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