Thursday, December 01, 2005

Matthew: The Volunteer

As I mentioned before, yesterday I volunteered at the theater. It was great. I brought Christmas cards for a select few of the actors and workers there I liked. I got a very nice reception from these people, and I do appreciate it. It feels good to be liked. And understood, of course. I signed up to volunteer for three more shows before the end of this season.

My selling on eBay is really paying off now. I sold something I got for free in 1996 for $7 + shipping and handling. Ha. It feels good to actually get money for stuff that I have no use for anymore. I guess one person's trash is actually another's treasure.

As I noted in the previous post, actress Wendie Jo Sperber died. You may not know who she was, but that's really not too important. She died after a long battle with breast cancer. She became an activist for breast cancer. I take it as a somewhat personal hit when someone dies of cancer. My mother and father both died from it, so cancer is something of a personal enemy to me. I hated to hear about her death as I had heard she was supposed to be getting better.

In other celebrity news, Bette Midler turned 60 today!! She's one of my favorite personalities. One of the most original, unique and inspirational celebrities out there. I'll end with a couple of quotes she has made that I can relate to: "I bear no grudges. I have a mind that retains nothing" and "I never know how much of what I say is true."

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