Saturday, December 10, 2005

Night Owl

Slept most of today away. Woke up at 3 p.m. I worked at the theater and then a friend and I went out to watch her son play in his band, missed that, so we went to Wal-Mart. Where we ran into the lady that sold me my bed, and Jason Ross, an actor at the theater (whom I absolutely adore). He actually did a solo song in the concert that I worked last night (he was amazing). Anyway, I eventually made it home at 1 a.m. It was great. I had a ball, never laughed so much.

Well, I passed my algebra class with an 87, so that's over. Don't know about my personal finance class yet, but I know I will pass it with a very high grade (I'm thinking A *crosses fingers*). Next semester should be a lot more fun than this one has been. I'm in a speech class and an introduction to theater class. I intend on signing up for everything they offer in theater. The teacher is the same for both classes (he also runs the theater department). They have a little group that travels to various schools and so on. I'm looking forward to it.

While at the theater, I got to get all the good gossip and I learned a lesson I want to keep with me as long as possible. If I intend on spending my life in the theater, I need to distance myself from certain people. There is a lot of drama in the theater (not just on the stage). Egos run rampant. Immaturity abounds. I know at the theater here (which is becoming mostly professional actors, barely holding onto its amateur standing) there are people who seem to think they are in competition. There are people (as in any career) who want you to fail, to feel bad. The theater can be a very turbulent place, so the trick is to realize you're there to do a job. If you have fun, great, that's wonderful. But there must be some grain of professionalism there.

Continuing to meet great local (and somewhat near-by) people (females, for the most part) online. Making some good friends.

And so it goes...

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