Friday, November 03, 2006


I can't quit. My boss and his wife came in and asked me to stay. They said they'd cut my hours back to four shifts (meaning 32 hours a week)... So, I'll get every other Friday off, which is good because Fridays are busy. Next week I'll get Tuesday, Thursday and Friday off. But then the week after that I work 40 hours again, as a "personal favor."

I couldn't say "No" and then just leave. I'd be causing more trouble for everyone who works there now. I also have references to worry about, but I guess that's no longer a worry. Since I can't leave with a notice it's going to have to happen without one. Some day in December I'm going to just walk out and not return. It'll be hard for me since I hate doing that to people, but I have no choice.

I see it as Iraq. I'm stuck. There is no way out. No real exit strategy.

Soon, though. Soon I will leave. The weird part is, it could be tomorrow, next week or three weeks from now. But it will definitely be before Christmas.

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