Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Update for 10/18

So, one quit on the 16th and another quit today. Both are in contact with their lawyers about the way they were treated at the hotel by the manager. And, one of them has contacted the corporate office with information about what's going on there. I'm trying to take a backseat role. I am, however, in contact with both women. I just need to keep the job until at least the first week of December. I'm getting the feeling that'll be hard. Well, whatever comes, bring it on.

When one of the ladies came to relieve me today at work, I hugged her, gave her my e-mail address and said goodbye. I had the feeling it would be her last day. It's just such a negative place and it just seems to keep getting worse. A job should not be this hard on a person personally and emotionally. I'm looking forward to my freedom from there. I can't even imagine what life will be like when I don't have to go there... But I know it'll be great.

My kitty got neutered today, so it was a bad day for everyone involved.

I'm getting very tired of giving advice. I mean, I like being able to offer help to people, but somehow lately I've become the person everyone has turned to... At least 4 people in the past week have come to me for some form of advice. Some were small matters, others were large. I know Pam relied on me heavily the past week. And as happy as I am to offer help and comfort, it does begin to weigh a person down. When you're put in the position to offer advice it puts the weight of their problem on you and, depending on what advice you give, you could end up on the wrong side of the fence in the end. I'm also starting to doubt people take my advice seriously. What the hell do I know anyway?

Last night I bought Bob Dylan's new CD, Modern Times. I was really looking for CDs by Patty Griffin, Lucinda Williams, and Gillian Welch, but finding none of these (which is not surprising considering what Wal-Mart stocks) I settled on Mr. Dylan (which is not necessarily a bad thing).

Outside the courthouse today there were a bunch of senior citizens with signs talking about getting the U.S. out of Iraq. I really have no comment at the moment on that, but I thought it was worth mentioning.


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