Monday, September 18, 2006

About the Opposite Sex

So, I need to take back the mean remarks I've made about MySpace. It's actually been quite good for me so far. I'm meeting a lot of wonderful people. It's a great way to meet people and get to know them. But it can still be a pain in the butt to use.

My insecurities are being stirred up again. There's a girl I met on MySpace that I'm slightly interested in. As with any girl I find myself gravitating toward, I begin to doubt myself. Especially, the physical part of me. I'm not the greatest looking guy in the world. I don't have a lot to offer. All I know is I'm a nice, decent guy. I'm honest. I have an okay sense of humor. I love with all my heart and when I'm with a girl I don't see any others. I'm an old fashioned guy when it comes to relationships. Okay, so there are some nice things about me, but I'm fearing no one could possibly be attracted to me.

Here's a story. My friend Pam and I went to Ruby Tuesday and began talking to a couple of waitresses. Soon, the girls told us what they wanted in a guy. "I want a guy who will treat me bad." That's a quote. They both agreed they wanted a guy who will yell at them, be "cocky," apt to cheat on them. Pam, being the blunt person she is, looked at one of the girls and said, "You must not like yourself very much." She then proceeded to continue pounding into them how they obviously weren't very happy with themselves if this is what they wanted. You know, I've always known most girls seemed to like the guys who were somewhat bad for them... It just stunned me they were so vocal about it. Nice guys finish last. Do we have to?

I know my problems with the opposite sex is mostly about approaching them. I don't know how to tell them I'm interested in going out with them. I always misread the signs and end up asking them out at an inappropriate time. Or, I'll think they want me to when they have no interest at all. I can't read the "signs" to save my life. Where are the girls that send out clear signals? Tell me you like me. Make it impossible for me to not know you want me to ask you out. I'm a guy, we're easily confused.

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