Thursday, July 06, 2006

An Update on July 6

I spent the day in Knoxville with my aunt. We ate at the Olive Garden and did some shopping. I spent very little money, which is unusual for me. It's becoming more and more usual for me to spend very little money and it's starting to scare me.

On the way back to Crossville, we stopped in Harriman to see a little theater that opened up there called the ElfQueen Playhouse. It's a very small coffee shop type place that has a stage. They do karaoke, play games, have live music and perform plays. The owner is a playwright herself. They're getting ready to perform a production of Peter Pan, I believe it will be their 4th production. She actually hinted she may cast me in it... I'm not sure I want to be in a play right now, especially at that kind of distance. I did it before and it just wasn't really worth it. The distance can be a pain in the ass.

So, work has been going along just fine. This week I'm only working 32 hours, which is great after 3 weeks of 40 hours. I'm dreading tomorrow and Saturday because we are sold out and it's going to be very hectic. Ugh!

I'm not sure what I'm reading right now. There are several books laying out waiting for me to pick one: Orbis by Scott MacKay or Miracle Cure by Michael Palmer. I'm also thinking about reading Stephen King's The Shining. I've put off reading it so long because I've seen the movie so many times I felt it'd take away from the book. But I guess that really isn't a good excuse.

I guess that's all there is to update on right now. Hope all is well out there for you all.

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