Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Letter from a Reader

I woke up this morning to a message from a reader of this blog. I swayed between sharing it and not sharing it, because I felt sharing it would appear conceited or go against the writer's wishes. But, the truth is, the words of this lady mean a lot to me. As I read the words again for the umpteenth time, a tear still comes to my eyes. This letter is of high importance to me as I continue on this journey to find out who I am. So I felt the need to share it. She wrote:

"...I am absolutely full of admiration for your strong sense of who you are, your courage to put yourself out there in the world, your sense of purpose. I have been in the world more than thirty years longer than you, yet I think you have a lot to teach me about self-expression and faith in oneself and one's talents. Your physical transformation during the past three years is no doubt the outward manifestation of an inner process that is unfolding. Little do the guests and staff at the Ramada Inn realise just who they have in their midst!"

Then she signed. I was stunned to find she was a proofreader for The Literary Review in London.

Anyway, I hope she won't mind that I included her words here. These words mean a lot to me and make me feel very, very proud. And humbled. I can not express the range of emotions these few words send through my body and mind. This is probably the greatest compliment I have received so far in my life and I will definitely not forget it any time soon.

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