Thursday, April 06, 2006

Only Human

My writings have been changing lately. They seem to be getting more and more personal. Even words and phrases from people are finding their way into things, which makes it doubly personal to me, but the reader doesn't pick up on those parts... I never begin writing anything with the intention of it being so personal. This must be the "personal stage" of my writing life. It's cleansing in a way to put it out there for all the world to see, but it's also troubling to reveal so much of yourself... It is, however, the truth, my truth, and one of my goals in life is to be true to my truth... Sorry for letting my mind wander a bit here... Without further adieu, my latest:

Only Human
(By Matthew David Ward)

We've done what we've done
And to hell with the consequence
To hell with everyone
It's down to me and you
And, baby, that's all right with me
We're all powerless when the heart and body speak

We're only human, we'll make mistakes
We'll fall on our asses, and we'll dance with grace
Oh, in the end when there's nothing left to say
We're only human, and it's gonna be okay

We can't second guess what's already done
Throw it to the wind, let it find its way
It happens with everyone
It comes down to just the two
And, baby, the night is getting hot
The senses build and you give it all you've got

(repeat chorus)

We're only human, after all
Even the best of angels fall
In the heat of the night people change
Our shields drop and passion has free range

(repeat chorus)

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