Tuesday, April 04, 2006


After dancing around the subject for several months, I'm finally at a place where I'm ready to announce it. I am in a serious relationship with a girl that I love very much. We have been "dating" for a while now... (She was the New Year's date I had.) After being unsure of her feelings and then my own feelings, I'm ready to let myself fall. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. And, as horrible as it is to say this, I'm not used to caring about other people more than I care about myself (a habit I learned from my family)... But, I care about her more than I do about myself. I would do anything to protect her... It's scary to open myself up, but I'm realizing that if I don't take the chance and open myself up, I could end up pushing her away. And, I don't want to lose her. We are opposite in many ways, but we click somehow. There will be rough roads ahead (some coming soon, actually)... but, I'm ready for it (I think).

So, yes, yes, everyone... I am in love. And yes, I do realize these words aren't usually ones you would hear from me, but there we go... What's a guy to do??

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