Thursday, April 20, 2006

He Works Hard for the Ramada...

So -- my work schedule continues to surprise me. After the girl working there left (quit/fired) and the manager going out of town, I've taken up a few more hours than I had intended to get. Initially, I was hired as part-time (and will probably fall back to that once someone new is hired). I've surpassed that part-time status this week, at least. My schedule for this week:

Monday: 3-11pm
Tuesday: 3-9pm
Wednesday: 7am-11pm
Thursday: 2-3pm
...and tomorrow,
Friday: 7am-3pm

Annie will be happy to have me home once in a while -- she's getting tired of babysitting the cat.

So... today, I had to take my car in to get a new alternator. I also went to the used bookstore and picked up some books (The Education of Mrs. Bemis by John Sedgwick, Dear Dad: Letters from an Adult Child by Louie Anderson, Talk Before Sleep by Elizabeth Berg, and I, Fatty by Jerry Stahl).

Anyway, back to the work situation. The manager is looking for new employees and I requested a friend of my aunt's (she's actually a friend of mine, as well). She applied and he'll interview her when he gets back in town. I'm about 90% sure she'll get the job, which will be neat. (Yes, I just used the word "neat"!)

I'll end this one with two quotes:
"Only the hand that erases can write the truth." - Meister Eckhart von Hochheim
"The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he'd never be found out." - Thomas B. Macaulay

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