Thursday, March 30, 2006

The New Job

So, I quit my job at Wal-Mart and have gotten a new job at the front desk of the Ramada Inn. I think I'm getting a warped view of what it takes to get a job. I applied at one place and got the Wal-Mart job. Then, I decided I wanted a different job and applied at one place and ended up with the Ramada job. I think I'd feel more comfortable if there was a bit more of a challenge to it. I finished my third day of training today and I'm starting to feel more comfortable with the position. I head back again tomorrow.

My music taste seems to not be exactly what one would expect from a 22 year old. I went to Sam Goody's a couple of days ago and purchased three CDs: recent hits compilations by Tina Turner, Carly Simon and Paul Simon. I handed them to my friend Pam (who is over 50) and said, "Tell me how old I am." She replied that I was her age! I do seem to gravitate more toward the older musicians. I don't really like any of the newer (or the "popular") artists. I tend to like Emmylou Harris, Melissa Etheridge, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Bonnie Raitt, Cher, Carly Simon, Paul Simon, Tina Turner, etc. etc. I was talking to a girl online that was around my age and mentioned some of these names and she had only heard of a couple of them. It just amazes me that such great music is just ignored by so many (younger) people. I wonder what influences our music tastes? Oh, well... I wouldn't give up Tina, Emmylou, Cher, Carly, Paul or Bonnie for any of the current Top 40 hitmakers.

I'll end this one with a quote from Frank Herbert: "Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens."


Anonymous said...

Hey Matt!! LTNS! How are you doing? I'm ok.. I'm at school right now, I'm finished with all of my work and I have a Dr's appointment at 2:30 up this way but the way it's been looking outside I doubt that I'll be going to that. Man this weather is crazy. I went outside to smoke and it was all pretty and getting warm and then I come back in and look outside and it was pouring cats N dogs.. Now the sun is out again.. Maybe I should just go on and leave school since I have nothing else to do.. Hmmmm....

Matthew D. Ward said...

Hey. Yeah, the weather is nuts. They're saying that a lot of people died last night in Memphis from a tornado... not sure of the details, haven't had the time to check it out.

Yeah it has been a while. I keep looking for you on Yahoo, but can't seem to catch you online... I've been busy, so my Internet life has taken the backseat.

Hope you're doing good...