Monday, March 06, 2006


Well, here we are. March 6... My 22nd birthday. I think the main thing about birthdays is they make you think about where you are in life, what you have accomplished, and where you are heading. I've discussed all these things previously in this blog, so doing so again would be repetitive.

My life is at an interesting place right now. It feels as if I'm on the verge of a crossroads or something. I'm not sure how to describe it, but it feels like things are about to change. Of course, I'm hoping the change is for the better, but I don't know that just yet.

Been playing some really cool computer games. I played Post Mortem last night and today I started one called Still Life. They're pretty interesting. Morbid, yes, but also interesting. Computer games are so fascinating in the detail they can put into them. It's amazing.

Right now I'm reading one of the best books I've read in a long time (and it's not a horror book). It's actually a very sweet tale, so far. It's called Secrets of Sant'Angelo and it's by Jeff Shapiro. I'm about 125 pages into it and I'm in love with the book, the characters, and the town. I got it at a bookstore here in town (not the used one) and the copyright date says 2005, so it's moderately new book. I'm definitely enjoying it, and from what I've read so far, I highly recommend it.

I recently watched The Exorcism of Emily Rose and I really enjoyed it as well. It was a different type of movie, and the reviews for it threw me off. It was actually good. Yes, it's a horror film, but it's also a courtroom drama. And, in the end, it leaves you thinking and considering the story, religious beliefs, and the like. Really good film. Laura Linney was excellent and very likeable in her troubled character.

I put up 14 more items to sell on eBay, mostly to clear out this apartment of all the junk I don't need. I got the latest issue of Psychology Today in the mail and an interview in it caught my attention... well, one particular part of an interview caught my attention. The man said that he has a system to not gather any more junk... He called it "addition by subtraction." If you want something, you get rid of something else. If I want to buy a CD, I need to get rid of a CD. If I want a book, I need to get rid of a book. That way you're not gathering more and more junk. I like this idea and I'm going to try to implement it in my life. I say "try" because it's going to be difficult in some cases.

Well, it's been a kind of gloomy day outside, but still tolerable. All is well here.

And so it goes...


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

This is weird, we were born on the same day, same year but about 2000 miles apart and I randomly stumble across your blog.

Matthew D. Ward said...

That is weird. Happy birthday to you, too!