Saturday, January 21, 2006

A Picture of Me (Ugh)

I am really tired right now (it's been a hell of a week), so I'll make an actual update later, which is probably best as there may be some big things coming up for me soon *fingers crossed*.

Since I haven't had a picture taken of me in about six months or so, I thought it was about time. I hate pictures of me, they send chills up my spine. I hate my appearance, but I guess I have to live with it. (And I could always look worse... or so I'm told.)

Oh yeah, I'm one sexy dude (ha... ha... ha...). I would upload a picture of my new roommate Celia, but I'm worn out so the cat pictures will have to wait until tomorrow.

And I'll end this one with a quote from Elizabeth Kenny: "He who angers you conquers you."

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