Tuesday, December 13, 2005

It's a Shame

Well, all I can say is I am, once again, disgusted by the government. As I have said before, and as I will probably mention again, I do not agree at all with the death penalty. There are better ways to punish people. The execution of Stan "Tookie" Williams is just another example. Us killing them makes us no better than they were. It's a shame we're still doing this barbaric practice.

I'm also somewhat disappointed (not surprised, mind you) that such a fuss is being made about the movie Brokeback Mountain. I was listening to a radio station Monday and they were discussing it. I was surprised at the ignorance of it all. Apparently making a movie about homosexuality is the worst thing imaginable. As I said, this attitude doesn't surprise me considering the area I am currently in. I think the only thing keeping me from losing my mind is knowing there are many, many people out there who think like I do.

In other, happier news, they're putting in new windows all over my building. They did the entire first floor today and will start on mine and the rest of the second floor tomorrow. Even though it seems a strange time of the year to be replacing windows, I'm just glad it'll help somewhat with the heating bill (which is surprisingly low).

Went to the post office today and the line was back all the way out the door. So, this well dressed man got me and two other ladies to follow him to this new machine that does everything the living mail clerk can do. I was out of there in minutes, it was great. I still prefer the living clerks, but I'll probably use the machine more often.

Well, I'll end this one with a quote from Thomas Jefferson: "Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." And, one from Jane Fonda: "For two people to be able to live together for the rest of their lives is almost unnatural."

And so it goes...

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