Thursday, November 23, 2006

Write Now... Or, Later When I Feel Like It...

I have decided to start putting together (writing, organizing) the stories of my life. I'm sure you're wondering why do this? It's not like I have any real knowledge or wisdom to impart. I'm only 22, why would anyone care to read anything about such a young life? What do I have that is so much more important than anyone else? The simple answer to this is it's a project. It's something to take my mind away from Whatever when the Whatever gets me down.

True, it's not like I don't have enough projects. Pam and I are making slow progress on our children's book, Grandpa's Hat. I'm still procrastinating on putting together my book of poetry, Raindrops in the Ocean. I have many of them collected and printed, I have a foreword, but I keep delaying going through the poems and editing or cutting some out completely. I keep feeling like my poems are nowhere near good enough to be made into a book. Perhaps they could be pieced together and fitted in with the memoirs? Hmm. Then, I have the 11 pages I've typed of my short story about a boy who grew up with the circus. All of these things and I put them off. Yet somehow I find time to sit here and write these entries.

I'm not currently reading anything, but I know I should sit down and read The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White. It's supposed to be one of the top resources to learn about grammar rules, punctuation uses, and other important things involving composition. I need to go through it and learn it. I'll probably have to take notes. I'm am terrible at remembering things.

It's around 4 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day. I guess I should make a list of things I'm thankful for, but I doubt I will. Not because I'm not thankful for many things, because I am. I guess in my mind at the moment the idea of vocalizing these wonderful things in my life takes away from them a bit. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but neither do I most of the time.

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