Thursday, March 23, 2006


Since Spring is here (you couldn't tell by the weather here, though), I figured it would be good to make some little changes to the blog. I added the little picture of flowers off to the right with a quote that is inspirational and fits with the flower image.

Spring is a time for change and I intend to try and make little changes in my life this season. Most will probably be little changes that to outsiders won't look like much, but sometimes the small changes make the biggest impression on the person. Maybe instead of having a Mello Yello, I'll get a glass of water every now and then. Maybe I won't buy that CD. Maybe I'll allow myself to lighten up occasionally and have fun. We'll see.

I read Agatha Christie's 'And Then There Were None' over the past couple of days. I really enjoyed it. I always put off reading it because her books are always so packed with characters it's hard for me to keep track of them. I'm now reading two short story collections: one by Agatha Christie, 'Double Sin and Other Stories'; and the other by Z.Z. Packer, 'Drinking Coffee Elsewhere.'

My latest habit has been to listen to Coast to Coast AM on the radio at night. It's on after midnight. It's a radio show that focuses on the more "offbeat" subjects (i.e. conspiracies, religion, mysteries, myths, and such). A couple of nights ago there was a man who believed we humans are an experiment of an extraterrestrial race. One of many throughout the universe, apparently. He suggested we are a failure (which is no surprise, really), but that we are allowed to keep going because we have created something the other "experiments" have not: music. And, of course, many people are probably rolling their eyes right now. Personally, I can't stand people who immediately shut out ideas they consider to be "outlandish." I think it's so important we listen to each other with open minds. I believe having an open mind may be the first step to making this a better world, but that's just a personal thought. Who knows? This man may be right. Consider it for a moment.

I'm getting over some type of cold or allergy thing. Not really sure what it was, but it seems to be on its way out of my system. And, they're repaving the parking lot of my building right now and over the next few days. It's not as annoying as I thought it'd be, but I may not want to say that just yet, right?

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