Monday, March 27, 2006

I Got Them, Babe

I got a bit down in the dumps over the past few days. There's really no reason; or, none that I know right now. I learned a long time ago how to deal with these... "moments." You can't fight them and being around other people does not help in the least. Moping and allowing it to take me over to a degree (you have to be careful how much you let in) is the best approach for me, personally. It works itself out of my system easier and with less debris when it's over.

Something that helps move things along when I get depressed is music. Music from singers who are strong. Singers who are survivors. Right now, Cher is blaring in my headphones. Cher is definitely someone I look up to for her strength and personality. Truly one of the most amazing people ever. My respect for Cher is immeasurable. I also like to listen to Melissa Etheridge. I respect Melissa for her "truth." She is so honest and open that it's really an inspiration. I wish I could write my soul the way she does. And, I can't forget Wynonna. I can relate to Wynonna in the way she seems to live life as "a work in progress." All her little mistakes and blemishes of life are out there and she doesn't apologize for them; her head always stays high. She continues to grow and be who she is. I can also relate to her family issues (it's hard to be yourself and accept yourself when there are overbearing people watching nearby). Yeah, these are the people I need close by when I start going down.

I'm getting inspired writing-wise. I'm hoping to start sending out my poems to other places. I'm starting my search for any print magazine that includes poetry. I figure it's time to strengthen my writing resume a little more.

And, I'll end this one with:
"With love and patience, nothing is impossible." - Daisaku Ikeda

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