Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Busy Week, 100 Stars & The Damnation Game

Work at Wal-Mart is going along pretty well. I like the people I work with and I can do the job, which I guess is all that really matters. I did the orientation Friday, worked Saturday and Sunday, had to do CBL's (Computer Based Learning) on Monday and I work again Wednesday. Throw in school on Tuesday and Thursday. Thursday night my friend Pam and I are going to see Oklahoma! at the Playhouse. Then, Friday night is the youth meal at the church. Saturday night is the singles dance. Now I miss the days when I had nothing going on!

I got my 100th positive feedback on eBay yesterday, which means I get a turquoise star beside my name... Woo. Hey, I like turquoise.

Well, I finished reading Stardust by Neil Gaiman and I must say that he is a very original writer. I read his book Neverwhere about a year ago and loved it. Stardust, however, seemed rushed. I think he could have taken more time with it... it felt like it kept skipping ahead in the plot. Oh, well. Still, I enjoyed it, and (as I rarely do) I enjoyed the ending. I bought Stephen King's new book, Cell, but I decided to hold off on reading it just yet. Instead, I'm reading Clive Barker's The Damnation Game.

R.I.P. Coretta Scott King (1927-2006)

And so it goes...

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